Customer Care
Greetings! We have been producing RAW milk in this beautiful state of Colorado since 2007, and have been herdsharing with our local Colorado communities since 2008. We were blessed by the introductions, support and wisdom of other Colorado RAW milk dairies by serving on the board of the Raw Milk Association of Colorado. Thereby, also being introduced to the Weston A. Price Foundation and learning more about what our customers/consumers want and need; which actually align quite similarly with what we wanted for our children, our family, leading us into establishing our naturally organic farm and ranch.
We work hard, every single day 24/7/365 for not only our family, but for yours too! We accept this farming and ranching lifestyle as truly, a vocational calling from God. So, it is with that, that we strive to provide you with the best in all that we do; from our family to yours, it is an honor to share with you. Please know that our pick up times at the ranch are scheduled during our chore times with the creatures. If you are needing to meet with us, please Contact Us ahead of time, so that we may schedule an appointment that focuses on you and your needs. The creatures are fairly demanding of NOT having their routines disturbed. We thank you for your understanding and the creatures do too.
Privacy & Safety
We are upmost respectful to your Privacy & Safety. Information that you provide to us with be used only for the purpose of us to communicate with you, to provide you with the best in customer service and care. We do not share, nor sell, your information to anyone.
Our website is designed and managed by us, with the use of WIX templates and servers. We are not professional website developers, nor servers, nor tech pros; but we do our best to provide you with the best user experience to shop, support and connect. Please feel free to let us know if you see any mistakes or are having any issues with glitches, etc.
Wholesale Inquiries
Are you customer who would like to purchase items in bulk quantities for your own personal boutiques, or your gift giving needs (weddings, showers, reunions, fund raising, friendship gatherings)? Connect with Us! We love working with and assisting communities and other small family businesses too!
Please Note that we do NOT wholesale RAW milk. RAW Milk is only obtainable by way of legal herdsharing as stated in Colorado, by way of the Colorado Senate Bill 05-055. Please Contact Us with other items that are listed on our Shop page, that may be available for wholesale (our Honey, Soaps and Lotions are the most requested items).
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Offline Payments